Can Stress Cause High GGT Levels?

Reviewed on 3/9/2022
Blood samples for GGT test
Stress does not directly cause high GGT levels, but stress can negatively impact the liver, and liver disease can cause high GGT levels.

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is a blood test that measures the level of the enzyme GGT to screen for diseases of the liver or bile ducts. 

  • The normal range of GGT for adults is 5 to 40 U/L.
  • GGT may be measured along with other tests (such as the ALT, AST, ALP, and bilirubin tests) to differentiate between liver or bile duct disorders and bone disease. 
  • GGT may also be used to screen for, or monitor, alcohol use.

High GGT levels are caused by: 

Stress does not directly cause high GGT levels, but stress can have a negative impact on the liver, and liver disease can cause high GGT levels. There are studies that have shown links between stress and liver disease

  • The release of cortisol, a stress hormone, can worsen liver injury
  • During stress, natural killer cells (NKT) are expanded in the liver and, may contribute to liver cell death and worsening of
  • liver disease
  • In the part of the brain that controls the liver, stress was found to impact blood flow that can lead to or trigger liver damage
  • Stress can contribute to the inflammatory process that takes
  • place in the liver

What Are Symptoms of High GGT Levels?

High GGT levels are usually a sign of liver problems. Symptoms of liver problems may include: 

What Is the Treatment for High GGT Levels?

Treatment of high GGT levels involves treating the underlying cause of the liver problems. Treatments may include: 

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Reviewed on 3/9/2022
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