How Do You Release Sadness?

What Is Sadness?

Sadness is a basic human emotion and shouldn't be treated as an illness. Prolonged sadness or grief may lead to clinical depression, however, which is debilitating and usually requires treatment
Sadness is a basic human emotion and shouldn't be treated as an illness. Prolonged sadness or grief may lead to clinical depression, however, which is debilitating and usually requires treatment

Sadness is a basic human emotion that usually occurs in response to emotionally or psychologically painful situations. Sadness may be associated with feelings of sorrow, disappointment, helplessness, grief, and despair. Everyone feels sadness at some point in their lives. 

Sadness can lead to depression, which is a mental illness that often has no specific cause and can make it difficult to function. 

Some differences between sadness and depression:

  • Sadness is temporary while depression lasts longer
  • Sadness usually has a trigger, while depression often has no specific cause
  • When you are sad, you can usually still experience moments of joy, but if you are depressed it is often all-encompassing

What Are Symptoms of Sadness?

Symptoms of sadness may include:

  • Crying
  • Sorrow
  • Disappointment
  • Helplessness
  • Grief
  • Despair
  • Irritability
  • Loss of interest in things that used to cause joy
  • Withdrawal from others
  • Sleeping more than usual
  • Fatigue/low energy

All these symptoms may also be symptoms of depression. If symptoms are severe, last more than two weeks, or are accompanied by feelings of wanting to hurt yourself or others, see a doctor immediately. 

What Causes Sadness?

Sadness usually occurs in response to emotionally or psychologically painful situations, such as:

  • Loss
  • Physical pain
    • From illness
    • Accidents
    • Hormone changes
  • Sadness of others
  • Disappointment

How Is Sadness Diagnosed?

Sadness is diagnosed by psychological examination to determine whether it qualifies as a symptom of clinical depression. Patients may be asked a series of questions to determine if depression is present.

What Is the Treatment for Sadness?

Sadness often requires no treatment; the feelings will go away on their own. In some cases, talk therapy can help people overcome sadness. 

If sadness is chronic and all-encompassing, it may be considered to be depression. Treatments for depression include:

What Are Complications of Sadness?

The main complication of sadness is that it may progress to depression, which is a serious mental illness.

How Do You Prevent Sadness?

You may not always be able to prevent loss and other sad events in life, but you may be able to reduce sadness and improve your response to these setbacks.

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