Instructional Services
Help your students achieve on-grade-level learning and beyond with high-dosage tutoring.
We've all heard students say they don't get it or don't know where to start. They need more time and personalized instruction for concepts to sink in, but there aren't always enough hours in a teacher's day to make that possible. Our tutors provide that extra help, creating a high-impact program that follows your curriculum, fits your schedule, and gets students back on track.
See how we helped schools in Michigan create an after-school math program that accelerated student success.
Our offerings
Support your students and your standards
High-Dosage Tutoring
During each virtual session of your custom, high-impact tutoring program, our tutors reinforce what you're teaching in your classroom, so lessons feel seamless and align to your curriculum. Students talk through their work with tutors in real time to deepen their understanding of concepts and build confidence in an encouraging learning environment.
Highly qualified tutors
- 100% are certified teachers
- All are experts in their content areas
Proven materials
- High-quality instructional tools and resources
- Technology that accelerates and deepens learning
- Real-time data insights
Flexible options
- Individual or small-group instruction
- During school, after-school, or over-the-summer schedules
- Ability to request the same tutor for every session
Assess each student's knowledge according to grade standards.
Establish goals that are exciting, achievable, and empowering.
Deepen students' understanding through real-world applications and hands-on activities.
Grow independent learning and critical thinking skills for lifelong academic success.

See our tutoring in action
Step into a small-group tutoring session and see how our tutors use a combination of discussion, problem solving, and real-world examples to help students understand concepts.
Impacting more than 18,000 students, across 150,000+ tutoring sessions, with 670+ certified instructors.
We're proud to be a member of National Student Support Accelerator's Tutoring Provider Advisory Group.
Short on teachers?
You've got enough to worry about as you work to fully staff every classroom. Let our team of certified teachers offer some relief. With high-quality, virtual instruction, students stay on course with their learning throughout the year.
Relevant news and insights

The dramatic impact of tutoring in Maryland
When schools shifted to remote learning during the pandemic, we helped educators in Maryland create a customized online tutoring program. It's been so effective, they're still using it today.
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Want to increase tutoring attendance?
Do these 10 things.
You've built a sustainable tutoring program—now how do you make sure students take advantage of it? Our Vice President of Tutoring Services shares insights about how to engage students and keep them coming back.
Read MoreHow can we help accelerate learning in your school?
We're here to help you build a sustainable, successful tutoring program. Whether you need flexible scheduling or options for individual and small-group instruction, our team is ready.
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